Alright, on to more amazing ways to use baking soda, today, in an area where we all already use it, cooking.
I love tips like this because I am not always able to run out to the store to buy some ingredients, you can use baking soda as a substitute for baking powder by mixing with it with cream of tartar or vinegar.
you can wash fruits and vegetables with it.
I don't know who this might be helpful to (maybe someone on a farm?) When boiling a chicken(a whole chicken, like the entire bird!!!), add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. Feathers will come off easier, and the flesh will be clean and white
Soak dried beans to a baking soda solution to make them more digestible (because these days regularity is a big deal).
again, not sure who would use this but maybe for all you hunting mamas, you can remove the distinctive taste of wild game by soaking it in a baking soda solution (then it has that distinctive baking soda taste that we all love).
crazy! Make a sports drink by mixing baking soda with boiled water, salt, and Kool-Aid
Remove the fishy smell from your fillets by soaking the raw fish in a baking soda solution for an hour inside the fridge or be like me and don't eat fish).
this one I love, use and have made part of my cooking bible, make fluffier omelets by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda for every three eggs used.
and you can reduce the acid content of your tomato-based recipes by sprinkling them with a pinch of baking soda.
besides all of that there are TONS of recipes which include baking soda from bagels to cookies. My fav way to use baking soda in the kitchen is to boil home made bagels in a baking soda water solution before I cook them in the oven, hardens the outside and leaves the inside fluffy as a pillow!!!!
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