Monday, November 14, 2011

Featured writer!!!!!! Marvelous mommy, Courtney from Button Props

A few days ago, we heard from a feature writer who owns her own home business, and today I am pleased to have another featured writer Mrs. Courtney from ButtonProps you can visit her etsy site here. Today she's going to share her tidying tips that help keep her organized with two kids under 5. The trick with kids that are a little older is that while they're more independent, they also get bored a lot easier. Not being a mommy who supports the "only boring people get bored" response, and I know Mrs. Courtney isn't either, staying at home with kids this age becomes a lot less homemaking time and a lot more craft and teaching time. Courtney still maintains a rather tidy and organized household and I know you'll all benefit from her fabulous mommy wisdom!

here are three tidy tips from Courtney for all of you to store and use!

1. Always do the dishes first. When you clean a larger house with at least 5 rooms, you must always start with the kitchen. Do the dishes and work your way to the sweeping, and counters. Then start in the farthest room and work your way through each room. Going back and forth as you find things, is both distracting, and takes too much time. If you focus on one room, putting away things in the room they belong, and going back to the spot you were in is a big time saver.

2. Laundry: do all of your laundry as you clean, as everyone does. however, instead of sitting and folding it as you go, put it in a spot where you can spread it out to avoid wrinkles,and come back to it while the children are napping. This is what i do to avoid feeling guilty when i am tired, and need a break. I will put on a little show, and "rest" while still doing "housework".

3. Last but not least my little trick, is Sanitizing wipes. There are a few different brands, some need to be rinsed on food surfaces, others are fine. but those babies are a life line. ESPECIALLY, having boys. Little boys have wandering minds, and this is including when they go to the bathroom. I have often walked into the bathroom only to find my youngest son, has completely missed the toilet because he was looking at a "bad guy" on the ceiling, or a bug, on the other side of the toilet. These wipes work in a cinch, EVERYWHERE.
Also, it allows strict mommy's to relax a little and "sticky" hands aren't as much of a big deal, because we can wet wipe, the walls, the coffee tables, TV, everything. they sanitize, while cleaning the mess.

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About Me

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Hey all, I am a young mom of one for now, who is a self-diagnosed neat freak. I love to clean and better yet I love to organize and clean with stuff I already have in my house! I am the wife to an amazing husband and the mom to an amazing son and the maid to a pretty awesome lil apartment!!!

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