Since the last posts on here were about cleaning your kitchen I think today we should talk about many people's kitchen nightmare: cleaning the burners.
here is a quick, simple, and cheap burner cleaning tip that will have you going into your kitchen at night to stare lovingly at your burners.
if you have an electric stove, this will not work for you and I will post tomorrow about how to clean those babies.
for most of you, you cook. You have oil and grease spatter, which gets heated and reheated and then pretty soon you have a disgusting coating that will not. scrub. off. ever.
so stop scrubbing it! As a general rule, you shouldn't scrub the stove grates anyway, because you can leave tiny scratches in the surface of the grates or burners, which will be a snugly little home to all that oil and grease spatter and will make it harder to remove. Stop scrubbing and follow these instructions:
get yourself some ammonia, and for this we're going to use real live cleaning grade ammonia, not Windex though if you would prefer, there is a Windex option which I will share.
put two tablespoons of straight undiluted ammonia into a one gallon Ziploc bag and place your stove burner inside, don't shake or "cover" the burner in the ammonia, just place it in the Ziploc. Set on a cookie sheet or flat surface making sure the Ziploc is extra sealed. Leave for 12hrs/overnight and in the morning, remove the burner and wipe off yuck and grime with a damp washcloth. and that's it folks. Works every time. If you have oven cleaner spray and would rather use it or Windex, cover the burner in a nice liberal coat of oven cleaner spray or Windex, place in Ziploc, leave overnight and wipe down. Badda-Bing you have clean burners, so shiny you can see your beautiful face in them!!!!!
tomorrow I will tell you how to make those pesky electric burners clean and shiny too!!!
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